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SHARE: Imprimir Compartilhar

Dividend History

This table indicates the dividends distribution that Melnick has carried out in the recent years.

Fiscal Year Type Ex-Divident Date Payment Date Payout per Share (R$) Amount (R$)
2020 Divideds 04/27/2021 05/31/2021 0.00636047000 1,294,919.12
2021 Interim Dividends 11/17/2021 11/24/2021 0.20773111810 42,000,000.00
2021 Interim Dividends 12/23/2021 12/30/2021 0.06924370605 14,000,000.00
2021 Complementary Dividends 04/26/2022 05/30/2022 0.09083454600 18,365,331.95
2022 Interim Dividends 05/20/2022 06/9/2022 0.02967587402 6,000,000.00
2022 Interim Dividends 08/19/2022 09/1/2022 0.03462185302 7,000,000.00
2022 Interim Dividends 11/17/2022 1/11/2023 0.05440576904 11,000,000.00
2022 Complementary Dividends 05/2/2023 06/1/2023 0.11356917210 23,000,000.00
2022 Complementary Dividends 05/2/2023 07/25/2023 0.16443207624 33,300,742.48
2023 Complementary Dividends 10/5/2023 10/17/2023 0.19632805010 39,799,308.98
2023 Interim Dividendso 12/15/2023 12/27/2023 0.08622798746 17,480,000,00
2024 Complementary Dividends 04/30/2023 06/5/2023 0.20428387370 41,412,100.84

Dividend Policy

The Brazilian Corporate Law and the Company's Bylaws require the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to be held by April 30 of each year, at which time the shareholders will decide on the Board of Directors' proposal. Among other achievements, the shareholders must decide on the distribution of the Company's annual dividends, so that all shareholders, on the date of declaration of dividends, are entitled to receive these minimum mandatory dividends. Our shareholders will also decide on the allocation of the Company's net income for the previous fiscal year, based on the Board of Directors' proposal. For the purposes of the Brazilian Corporate Law, net income is defined as the result of the fiscal year that remains after deducting the accumulated losses of previous fiscal years, the amounts related to income tax and social contribution and any amounts destined to the payment of statutory participations of employees and managers in the company's profit.

Melnick's mandatory dividend is at least 25% of the adjusted net income, in accordance with the Brazilian Corporate Law and the Bylaws, determined in the non-consolidated financial statements. The annual dividend statement, including the payment of dividends in addition to the mandatory minimum dividend, requires approval at the Annual General Meeting by a majority of votes of shareholders holding Melnick shares and will depend on several factors, such as the operating results, financial condition, cash needs and future prospects of the company, among other factors that the Board of Directors and shareholders deem relevant.

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