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Itaú Unibanco

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Questions and Informations
Itaú Unibanco

The Income Statement must be accessed directly through BTG Pactual Serviços Financeiros S.A. DTVM, the bookkeeper for Melnick's shares from October 2023 onwards.

The statements provided by the Bookkeeper will be exclusively available online through the Portal do Investidor (Investor's Portal). If the shareholder does not have an account, it can register clicking on “Primeiro Acesso?” ("First access?") on the home. To access the Portal, click here.

For any questions, the Bookkeeper remains available to provide any additional clarifications needed via email: escrituracao.acao@btgpactual.com.

The Income Statement for the period before the change of Bookkeeper will be provided by the former Bookkeeper, Banco Itaú. To access these files, shareholders should contact the mentioned institution via email: PreAtendimentoEscritural@itau-unibanco.com.br. Access to the document will be exclusively digital through Banco Itaú's Digital Mailing Portal. To access the Portal. To access the Portal, click here.

For any questions, Banco Itaú provides the following Investor Service Channel (on business days from 9 PM to 6 PM):
(11) 3003-9285 (capitals and metropolitan regions)
0800 7209285 (other locations)